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Meet Sacred Walker

Founder of the Everyday Superheroes Coaching, Inc. (c) 2015

Sacred Walker, MDiv RDT, Founding CEO (c) 2015, is the visionary leader behind our coaching company, with a background in executive mind-body health coaching, mental health therapy, and leadership development training. She brings over a decade of experience in transforming lives and fostering holistic well-being.


A Beacon of Inclusivity and Empowerment


Throughout her career, Sacred has carved out safe spaces for diverse communities, including LGBTQ individuals and those with histories of emotional or sexual abuse. Her dedication to fostering well-being in every individual has earned recognition and support from esteemed institutions, including the Senator's Office, Governor's Office of the State of New York, Department of Mental Health and Hygiene, and Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine


Championing Self-Love and Success


Sacred is not just a coach; she's a beacon of inspiration and empowerment. Her dedication to helping leaders design balanced lives they love has earned her a spotlight in publications like Psychology Today, Time Inc TV, and Essence Magazine. Her coaching and counseling services have touched the lives of countless individuals, couples, families, and teams, guiding them towards holistic well-being and success.




Commitment to Impact: Summer 2025!

We are deeply committed to giving back to our community. Starting in Summer 2025, we will donate 2% of our profits to support various Everyday Superhero causes. These initiatives include environmental protection, support for domestic violence survivors, and aid for LGBT homeless youth. By choosing us, you are helping to make a positive impact on these crucial issues.

Our Philosophy

Founder, Sacred Walker invented the LOVE Medicine Method, and in turn our coaching company stands on the pillars of L.O.V.E., which guide us on a four-phase journey of transformation


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 Live Your Principles

We help you understand and live by your core principles to create a strong foundation for personal growth.


Open to Opportunities

Our programs provide tailored opportunities for community integration and holistic growth, creating spaces of belonging and collective support.


Visualize Embodied Leadership

In this phase, we challenge you to embody leadership, aligning your daily habits with your vision.


Emerge in Your Potential

Our programs culminate in this phase, setting you on a trajectory to financial freedom and manifesting your next level of success.

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