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Peace to Profit Roundtable

Next Roundtable: Summer 2024

For the Visionary & Executive Woman Ready to Transform Influence into Infinite Potential.

Empowering visionary women and executives of color to create a well-being strategic plan and practice it to manifest stronger use of their God-given talents, achieve emotional and financial freedom, and lead fulfilling lives without losing their edge.

Invite Only

Are you ready to pursue your
emotional and financial freedom?

Everyday Superheroes Your 2.0 Reinvention Season is Here: It's Your Time
As an Everyday Superhero, you've not just walked the walk—you paved it!
Now, it’s time for your greater impact be grounded in a wonderful quality of life for a grater impact of a lasting legacy.
Climbing Up a Cliff

For the Advocate & Healer: It’s Your Time

Peace and Profit

is not just another program; it's a transformational journey designed specifically for visionary women and executive women of color on the edge of their 2.0 season.


You’ve dedicated yourself to serving others and making a difference.


Now, it’s time to harness your unique strengths and experiences to create a lasting impact. The Peace to Profit Inner Circle is your gateway to step into greater impact, grounded in wellbeing and self care, for a lasting legacy.

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For the Corporate Woman: It's Your Time

You've spent years contributing to someone else's empire. Now, it's your turn. The Peace to Profit Inner Circle is your launchpad to create a wellbeing 30-day strategic plan and practice it to manifest Greater Impact, Cultivate Time for What Matters, and Attain Spiritual Development and Emotional Wellness- for your Reinvention 2.0 Season!


Guidance Galore

Our team, led by the amazing Sacred Walker, includes accountability coaches, executive coaches, holistic gurus, and mental health pros. They've walked the walk and are here to guide you.

Are You Ready to Level up Your Glow-Up in our 21-Day Challenge?
Ready to Transform Your Influence into Greater Impact, and Wellbeing?

Peace and Profit: Embrace Your Inner Greatness is not just another program; it's a transformational journey designed specifically for visionary women and executive women of color on the edge of their 2.0 season.

Whether you're a Health and Human Service Professional, Equity Leader, Lawyer, Educator, Frontline Worker, Administrator, New Manager, Public Advocate, Corporate Executive, recently retired Service Provider, or other Everyday Superhero, this is where your journey to unleashing your God-given talents begins.

Welcome to this 21-day challenge, designed to catalyze your journey from personal peace to professional prosperity. Over the next 7 days, inspired by the principles from "The Visionary Woman's Guide from Vice to Victory,- Manifesting your Emotional Freedom & Financial Success" written by Sacred Walker (c) 2014, you will learn to harness your inner strengths, set powerful intentions, and create actionable strategies for success.
This accelerator is your starting line for a transformative journey towards achieving emotional freedom and financial success in a roundtable of Visionary Women.

During the 21-Day Challenge you’ll learn:

The Five Pillars of Mastery

Leadership Development: Lead with Impact and Confidence

Here, you will:

  • Cultivate Leadership Skills: Develop leadership qualities that inspire and motivate others.

  • Build a Supportive Network: Connect with a vibrant community of like-minded women for mutual support and growth.

  • Strategic Empowerment: Learn to harness your unique strengths to make a lasting impact in your professional and personal life.

  • Legacy Building: Focus on creating a lasting legacy through effective leadership and visionary actions.

Achievement Reinforcement: Sustain and Celebrate Your Success

Here, you will:

  • Review and Celebrate Progress: Regularly review and celebrate your achievements to reinforce your journey.

  • Self-Affirmation Techniques: Apply self-affirmation techniques to strengthen your self-belief and confidence.

  • Plan for Continued Success: Develop clear, actionable plans to maintain and build upon your successes.

Self-Discovery and 2.0 Reinvention : Unlock Your Full Potential

Here, you will:

  • Holistic Well-being Practices: Cultivate a robust foundation of self-care, wellbeing, and vitality.

  • Personal Reinvention: Navigate self-discovery to align with personal and professional goals.

  • Overcome Limiting Beliefs: Identify and transform limiting beliefs that hinder your progress.

  • Emotional and Spiritual Growth: Engage in practices that promote emotional resilience and spiritual development.

Wellbeing Mapping: Prioritize Your Self-Care and Cultivate Positive Habits in an amazing Circle

Here, you will:

  • Define Your Ultimate Objective: Understand and articulate what the pinnacle of success looks like for you when self-care and wellbeing are front and center.

  • Strategic Planning: Develop a 30-day wellbeing roadmap that aligns with your core values and long-term goals.

  • Overcome Barriers: Identify potential obstacles and create strategies to navigate around them, fostering positive habits and behaviors.

  • Empowerment Through Clarity: Gain a clear sense of direction, empowering you to move forward with confidence and a focus on self-care.

Vision Mapping: Create Consistent Habits to Manifest Your Highr Path to Excellence

Here, you will:

  • Create consistent healthy habits, set a financial freedom short term goal: cutting costs and identifying what you really need and desire- manifest!

  • Define Your Ultimate Vision: Understand and articulate what success and fulfillment look like for you.

  • Strategic Planning: Develop a 30-day roadmap that aligns with your core values and long-term goals.

  • Overcome Barriers: Identify potential obstacles such as inner critics, childhood blocks, and imposter syndrome, and create strategies to navigate around them.

  • Empowerment Through Clarity: Gain a clear sense of direction, empowering you to move forward with confidence and purpose.

Why You Must Join Now

My name is Alexa Young

Shift Your Lifestyle:

Redefine what success means to you and how to achieve it on your terms. The Peace to Profit Roundtable - Accelerator empowers you to prioritize self-care, well-being, and resilience, allowing you to create a balanced and fulfilling life.


Build Your Greater Impact:

It's time to stop building others' dreams and start constructing your own legacy. Through our accelerator, you will develop a personal roadmap to success that aligns with your core values and long-term goals, transforming self-discovery into tangible achievements.


Seize the Moment:

The world doesn’t pause for potential. The time for your transformation is not tomorrow – it’s today. This is your moment to forge alliances with fellow trailblazers, to sculpt a legacy beyond the boardroom, and to live vibrantly with purpose and passion. Together, we will cultivate a holistic approach to well-being, break through barriers, and amplify your inner strengths.


Beyond Success to Significance:

Imagine a future where your impact resonates in every echelon of society. Where your growth is not just personal but a catalyst for collective elevation. Where your network is your net worth – filled with women who don't just lead, but inspire. The Peace to Profit Roundtable - Accelerator is designed to help you navigate self-discovery and reinvention, achieve emotional and financial freedom, and leave a lasting legacy.

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Are You Ready to Elevate Your Life?

Join us at the Peace to Profit Roundtable - Accelerator.

Because to achieve holistic well-being and success, you need a community that matches your vision and ambition.


To maintain the exclusivity and effectiveness of our Roundtable - Accelerator Event Experience, candidates must:

  • Demonstrate a Commitment to Well-Being:

Show a dedication to prioritizing self-care and holistic well-being, demonstrating the importance of a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

  • Have a Vision for Personal and Professional Growth:

Clearly articulate your vision for the next level of your life and career, focusing on how you plan to integrate self-care and professional success.

  • Be Ready for Transformation:

Show willingness to break through limiting beliefs and cultivate positive habits, demonstrating a readiness for personal reinvention and growth.

  • Possess a Collaborative Spirit:

Contribute positively to a collaborative and supportive mastermind environment, sharing insights and experiences for mutual growth.

  • Demonstrate Impact:

Provide tangible examples of how your work or actions have positively impacted your life, clients, community, or industry.

  • Be Coachable:

Demonstrate a willingness to receive constructive feedback and iterate on strategies for improvement.

  • Exhibit Leadership Qualities:

Display leadership qualities and a willingness to contribute to the collective success of the group.

  • Maintain Confidentiality:

Understand and commit to maintaining the confidentiality of discussions during the program.


Walkin' the Visionary Tightrope

As a visionary, you've got big dreams, but sometimes, it can be a lonely road. We've heard your stories and understand what's keeping you up at night!

Solo Visionary Hustle

It feels like you're hustlin' solo, but you deserve a tribe that's got your back and believes in your dreams.

Sustain That Fire

Keeping your vision burnin' bright ain't easy. Our program equips you with the tools to maintain that blazing momentum.

Balance, Baby

Juggling your visionary dreams with a healthy lifestyle? It's a fine art, and we've got the brushes to help you paint that masterpiece.

Visionary Vibes and Holistic Mastery

As seen on:


About the Host
Meet the Visionary Behind It All:

Sacred Walker, 

This dynamic visionary leader and founder has been hailed worldwide as a gifted orator, transformational speaker, mental health therapist, psycho-spiritual healer, and mind-body health advocate, and holistic executive coach- with a fierce committed to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. Featured in Essence, Time Inc. TV, Amsterdam News, Many Voices Magazine, Black EOE Journal, Young Boss Brand, Audible, IHeart Radio, & numerous podcasts, magazines, and TV shows, she helps people unleash their higher vision of excellence and transform stress into success.


Transforming Pain into Purpose

Hailing from Kingston, Jamaica to Brooklyn, NY, Sacred Walker has overcome a series of life-changing experiences, including a 21-year career as a healthcare provider and non-profit mental health advocate, and a highly decorated government consultant with a harrowing family history that left her emotionally bankrupt and riddled with chronic pain. She has drawn upon her past pain to connect closer to her purpose. Her mission is to use her leadership skills and own journey as an executive wellbeing expert to help others ignite their inner strength and realize their infinite potential as human beings and change-makers, for greater impact, without their inner critic, imposter syndrome, or inner childhood blocks hindering their abilities to manifest their gifts and lasting legacy.


Championing Self-Love and Success

Sacred’s mission is to help others ignite their inner strength and realize their true potential. As the founder of Everyday Superheroes Coaching, Inc., (2015) her firm’s courses, events, and results-based coaching programs equip emerging and established leaders, thought leaders, influencers, entrepreneurs, and game changers to find their power and live a fulfilled life and booming calling and career on their own terms. From one-on-one coaching and group training events to online seminars, thousands have shifted their lives, careers, and businesses through her teachings.


Global Impact and Recognition

Sacred Walker is regularly called upon by national panels as an expert presenter, including DOHMH, NGLCC, NAPW, Association of Black Psychologists, and more.

She is a speaker on the Grow with Google stage, Black Enterprise - Women of Power Summit stage, Her Future Summit stage, and more. She is the recipient of the Senator’s Proclamation for her commitment to health, focusing on social determinants of health for women and families. Her influence spans local and global stages, delivering keynotes, hosting events, and collaborating with spiritual leaders, government officials, and senior leaders.


Inspiration and Transformation

Sacred Walker’s message resonates with audiences, communicating that anyone can maintain inner peace, purpose, passion, and prosperity while resiliently moving through life’s challenges. Her rare blend of professional experience, personal knowledge, and compassionate touch helps her effectively reach, teach, and inspire others to thrive. Come experience the transformative power of her coaching and training programs- today!

Your Vision—Your Crew—Your Best Life

Don't let your visionary journey be a solo mission. Let us light your path, be your backup, and help you master the art of life. Come join us, and together, we'll embark on a life-altering journey to a brighter, empowered future.

What people have to say...

What Others Are Saying

“I appreciated the gradual approach we took in the program. Sacred Walker is remarkable for her insights into each participant. It was a very enlightening experience. Thank you, Sacred.”

Professor, Theologian, Leader, Author 

This Peace to Profit Accelerator is just the beginning.
Here's What Awaits You in our Peace to Profit Group Coaching Community- Mastermind Members Gain Exclusive Invites to:

Mastery Courses

Dive deep into your chosen journey with Sacred Walker through biweekly Group Coaching Q&A sessions. Enjoy full access to the Wellbeing Mastery Course platform for comprehensive learning.

Membership Benefits

Get Exclusive Access to our Group Coaching Community. Members get to connect with like-minded individuals at monthly Networking Events, celebrate victories during Monthly Celebration Events, start each month with intention and mindfulness at Mindful Mornings, and rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul during Half-Day Retreats, all contributing to an improved quality of your life as you level up.

Networking Events

Forge meaningful connections with fellow journeyers, explore collaborations, and uncover professional opportunities, enhancing the quality of your personal and professional life.

Launch Labs

Realign your self-worth and well-being with purposeful success through quartlery Retreats, significantly improving the quality of your life and wealth mindset.

Charitable Impact

We're more than a coaching academy; we're committed to making a difference. Percentage of our proceeds go to charity. We dedicated to supporting resilient women who have faced challenges like cancer, domestic violence, or human trafficking. Join us in empowering these unsung superheroes to heal physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Your Journey Starts Here

Whether you're seeking individual coaching, group coaching, couples support, or team-building for your corporate group, your unique journey to self-love and empowerment begins at the Self Love for Everyday Superheroes Academy. Dive into our extensive library of e-books, educational resources, and exclusive content designed to empower you on your path to becoming an Everyday Superhero.


Join us on this transformative journey and unlock the superhero within you. Your self-love and personal success are worth it.

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